how your week is going, bernd?
gotta go work tomorrow after five days of rest, it's always hard to make yourself work properly again without having empty brain

It's September and it's still 30+C summer heat. Sucks. Makes it hard to concentrate.
Paul Harrell died. That sucks balls.

Tfw you realize God is in everything and you lose all desire

i get you man, dw the autumn has come and it will be colder, sweater season, raining, leaves changing colors

why lose all desire though?

Because just being is enough, what's the point of doing anything else, if you've already found God?

god will help you in whatever you do, he's here for you
idk im not super religious person, but i feel there's always a help of guide spirit or god or ancestors from heavens in whatever i want to do

It rainded today and got way colder. This is so nice.
In 2 or 3 months when it is cold, wet and dark we will all long for summer against.

Not doing what I am supposed to do.
Really gotta do some work :(

aw at least you acknowledge it, du schaffst es dude :)