Reading Club Thread
Bernd 2024-10-10 23:03:52 ⋅ 3w No. 322714Today I made my mind on borrowing this book from my university's library. Químicos y Química (Chemists and Chemistry), is a book written by José Luis de los Ríos which is a compilation of several biographies of chemists and their scientific achievements. My goal is to completely read this book, which would make it the second book I fully read.
2024-10-10 23:48:53 ⋅ 3w
No. 322720
I don't think reading a book until the very last page is a goal one should follow. Rather find what makes you read until the last page without you having to force yourself.
2024-10-11 01:02:54 ⋅ 3w
No. 322725
I disagree. Just like any text, there are parts that are interesting and others not so much. But ignoring a book just because I'd have to force myself to finish reading it would be a mistake. A few days ago I finished a history book (pic related), which is Outlines of World History by William Swinton. This book is in property of my family since 1912 (that is the name of my great-grandfather and below my grandfather). This book had interesting topics such as Egyptian history, Friedrich II reign and more. However, it had French History which I hated reading those sections, but I did not skip those parts just because they were boring. A book must be finished even if it has parts that are not for the liking of one.
P.S. if I have a Belizean ball, it is I the Guatemalan ball, but for some reason the wifi of my uni gives me a belizean ball. Also, the pic related book is available at the library of Congress and the link is down below. Since this book was written before WW1 it has many unfiltered ideas that some big nosed jerks would not lke. It was amazing reading it because it mentioned Napoleon wars as something that had just recently happened (which they were).
Nice niggers
Bernd 2024-10-11 01:05:27 ⋅ 3w No. 322726Truly
2024-10-11 01:06:49 ⋅ 3w
No. 322727
2024-10-11 01:08:47 ⋅ 3w
No. 322728
It's been a very long time I have read an entire book. I used to read many romans and novels, but in 2024 there is just no reason anymore for me to go and get a paper book.
All the educational content I need can be found in the internet.
>unfiltered ideas
>napoleon wars recently
That's so cool. Please share the most based ideas you think you wouldn't encounter today.
2024-10-11 01:16:44 ⋅ 3w
No. 322729
Reading now
2024-10-11 08:33:27 ⋅ 3w
No. 322745
estoy leyendo cazadores de microbios , de Paul de kruif
i'm currently reading Microbial Hunters by Paul de Kruif
2024-10-11 10:37:09 ⋅ 3w
No. 322748
I just read this whole thread in one go.
2024-10-11 10:46:16 ⋅ 3w
No. 322751
"Billiard um halb zehn" by Heinrich Böll, also if there anyone who read "Flowers for Algernon" or "We"?
2024-10-11 12:43:38 ⋅ 3w
No. 322759
take it easy champ
2024-10-11 14:14:17 ⋅ 3w
No. 322763
i agree vith him >>322728, it seems this thing is interesting.
Recently i bought one book i vvanted to read, but its very dificil to me to read it, because it has so many unknoun names of tribes and rulers i just cant keep in mind them all together at one time.... May be i vill force myself to read it because of your thread, anon...
2024-10-11 15:06:58 ⋅ 3w
No. 322767
I’m currently reading a book about the Carthusian Order.
2024-10-11 15:57:33 ⋅ 3w
No. 322770
una maestra me dijo que, cuando no se entiende algo del texto, lo incorrecto es obviarlo y seguir. Lo preferible seria leer e informarse de qué se está leyendo, si es que es una palabra o término que no se conoce, o si es un tema o conocimiento el que se esta mencionando. Entonces, las nuevas lecturas siempre deben ser pausadas y lentas, muy lentas
a teacher told me that when something in the text is not understood, the wrong thing is to ignore it and follow. It would be preferable to read and find out what you are reading, if it is a word or term that you do not know, or if it is a topic or knowledge that is being mentioned. Then, new readings should always be paused and slow, very slow
2024-10-11 16:41:08 ⋅ 3w
No. 322778
Mucho thank you, anon. i agree vith your teacher, and cuando i said
>May be i vill force myself to read it
i vanted to say that i vill force myself to understand it.
2024-10-13 05:03:36 ⋅ 2w
No. 322922
Sorry for not answering sooner. I have been busy doing uni's homework. So far the author claims that the only human race worthy of study is the Caucasian race, for it was the race that all gave birth to all Classic Period civilization. He then classifies the Caucasiabs in three: aryans or indoeuropeans, which the author himself states they are the main protagonists and are superior in intellect above all others (I conclude aryanism was prevalent even in America and was not an invention made by Uncle Adolf), semites (the author states they have no influence or relevance besides religion, because monotheism was a semitic view of religion which was spread throughout the Ancient World), and Hamites, who were the first to raise civilizations (in this category belongs Ancient Egyptians and the peoplesinfluenced by them).
The author puts Napoleon in a neutral position, claiming he was an excellent statesman, but his ambition was his doom. Then he compares Napoleon III's rule to a eastern dictatorship, where French were no different from Persians, Indians and Chinese. The author has a bias towards western civilizations(obviously), where he claims democracy, free thinking and individualism are western traits that make them different and therefore superior to their eastern counterparts, where tyranny, oppresion and obedience are expected.
10/10. The link is in the thread and I highly recommend it to all of you. It is the best pre-WW1 book I have read.
2024-10-13 21:02:09 ⋅ 2w
No. 323015
>which would make it the second book I fully read
<It is the best pre-WW1 book I have read.
Hey! You! Wait a minute!
2024-10-14 23:39:33 ⋅ 2w
No. 323171
Hey me. I am waiting. In what can I help you?
2024-10-26 11:44:11 ⋅ 1w
No. 324854
Reading now.
Hope I will finish this one.
2024-10-26 14:02:00 ⋅ 6d
No. 324864
That looks super useful. My father has told me telecommunications engineers earn a lot of money. Also, do you need some general knowledge of electronics before building your own radio?
P.S. I had to return the book on OP because the time was due and the end of the semester is a month away. I just reached page 50-60.
I will read again this book because it is one of the most interesting topics that sadly no one talks in my country. Fundación de la Escuela Politécnica (Foundation of the Polytechnic School), written by Arturo Valdes Oliva and published in 1971, tells the story of the Polytechnic School of Guatemala and the need for a formal military school for the officers of the Guatemalan Armed Forces.
2024-10-26 14:02:35 ⋅ 6d
No. 324865
2024-10-28 03:06:58 ⋅ 5d
No. 324999
It is an insanely good read.
>magnetic fields are vectors
Vectors, because they have a position and a direction.
Why did nobody ever explain this so easy and well?
I finally understood it!
Basically if we pick a point xyz in our real, 3D world, the magnetic force on this point can be imagined like the arrow in pic 2.
2024-10-28 07:31:36 ⋅ 5d
No. 325009
I've been trying to finish Macbeth recently. It's a Shakespeare story about a man going full paranoid schizo because of his pursuit of power. The original language is surprisingly obtuse tbh but the story is fun.
Also apparently the play was banned by Stalin in USSR or some such xd
2024-10-28 07:36:25 ⋅ 5d
No. 325010
I've read Algernon, the shorter version of the diary. (apparently there are two versions of the book)
I really liked it personally because there are some interesting themes being explored in the book.
Going from 89iq to 130iq and back is kinda relatable sometimes too
2024-10-30 08:51:44 ⋅ 3d
No. 325152
>Also apparently the play was banned by Stalin in USSR or some such xd
Also to me macbeth is all about lady macbeth corrupting her husband. There are pretty good arthouse movie about it by joel coen.
2024-10-30 18:25:17 ⋅ 2d
No. 325192
I mainly read religious and spiritual books nowadays to reach enlightenment and unio mystica
2024-10-31 04:28:56 ⋅ 2d
No. 325261
Interesting. So far I have only read the four Gospels and everything after that is a big brainfuck hard to comprehend. This is my Bible and I hate people saying its a kids version when it has the entire unfiltered Bible.
2024-10-31 07:01:50 ⋅ 2d
No. 325266
The gospels are the most beautiful and exquisite part, if you could only read one part of the Bible, that should be it.
Besides that I recently read, the tales of a pilgrim learning the Jesus prayer to unify with God. This book really made me understand what prayer is all about and why it’s important.