This board has become irrelevant, there is no discussion and it looks more like a spam group of a few who post discord links, pornography and fights between two or three avatarfags who confuse a chan with a chat for arcade games (which only they understand each other with their buzzwords). Also, any attempt to make serious threads or debate is derailed by all these spammers and avatarfags.

It's because /hs/ users used to use the chat a lot but it's dead now so they make threads to use as a chat.
Although there is legitimately a schizo mexican faggot who uses proxies and only spams shitpost threads with tiktok videos of trannies and that guy is annoying. Fucks up the board's quality a lot because he doesn't get contained to a single thread and feels the need to post his shit everywhere like a kid, at least the in the other case the shitpost behavior doesn't leave out of chat threads.

Yeah, sure. Because you limit yourself to a single thread and your "jijij lool *schizoid ramble* :v" is not shitposting, right?
>at least the in the other case the shitpost behavior doesn't leave out of chat thread

lol he got mad
cope, stop flooding trannies fag

anyway it's true that /hs/ nowadays it's a shithole but that's mostly because the chat is screwed, it's been like 1 month, what did you expect? after all the chat was used mostly by hispanic users 24/7 and it was mostly shitpost it was like a containment place while the board was used for serious stuff

I asked Bernds multiple times why I should not just ban everyone who posts on hs since BO doesn't give a shit.
I just do not care enough to actually do it.

Where go?

It's over.

what about just rangeban colombia, that way you could take a break

Wait what chat doesnt work? If i fix it should we leave hs or just delete it anyway? I cant mod hs cause i cant speak spanish.

leave it, there are usually very good threads there
the shitpost it's just because of the chat thing, it used to be a more normal place 1 month ago
i can delete all those shit threads anyway

The chat is necessary to confine our local schizos/shitposters, the board itself has quality threads from time to time, please don’t delete the board

This. Without the chat-dwelling schizos /hs/ is actually a decent board with quality threads. There were also lots of good threads in the past there. It's unfair to delete it just because some local namefag schizos went crazy after the global chat got nuked.
OP is probably a butthurt sissy, I think he is the same sensible guy who was trying to get the board deleted multiple times in the past by complaining about anything he didn't like.

You are the lunatic Venezuelan who uses proxies.