There are already several threads that this faggot deletes just because he doesn't like them and because they talk about his Discord friends. I think this person has a conflict of interest to manage the board and it is better that he be removed, this board is for Hispanic topics, not for it to be a clone of his paganism discord group. Furthermore, he is a coward and does not recognize that he is the one who deletes the threads and accuses an turkish admin of doing so..

You definetly should go back to that shithole.

discord is the antithesis of imageboards

> your threads talking about trannies, BBC, incels, memepills, fictional political ideologies from reddit and schizophrenic pseudoreligious cheap esoterism
Wait, isn't that the whole /hs/ in a nutshell? Do you guys have some other threads too?

>the mod is turkish
same culprit energy.