This ib has been a pariah and it's because of /hs/, since that board, the main page is full of shitpost, cp and pro pedophile content, meaningless e-drama, pro-terrorists post (like, pro daesh ones that you can find). If you take the time to translate what is there you will realize that 99% of the content is garbage that ruins kc image; like the previously mentioned shitpost or dramas between the hispanic users there, also lets not hide the fact that hispanic users were trashing /int/ in the chat so they deserve it.
For these reasons I suggest the removal of /hs/, it is the best for the health of our ib and also to not look like Kohlchan.

/HS/ get nuked

finalment el vàter es renta.

There are no delete board function yet lol, working on it.

Well maybe at least one good bernd stayed.