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/hs/ should be removed from kc

Germany Bernd 2025-02-06 14:49:51 ⋅ 6d
No. 334586
This ib has been a pariah and it's because of /hs/, since that board, the main page is full of shitpost, cp and pro pedophile content, meaningless e-drama, pro-terrorists post (like, pro daesh ones that you can find). If you take the time to translate what is there you will realize that 99% of the content is garbage that ruins kc image; like the previously mentioned shitpost or dramas between the hispanic users there, also lets not hide the fact that hispanic users were trashing /int/ in the chat so they deserve it. For these reasons I suggest the removal of /hs/, it is the best for the health of our ib and also to not look like Kohlchan.
Belgium Bernd 2025-02-06 21:21:13 ⋅ 6d No. 334628
/HS/ get nuked
Bernd Bernd 2025-02-07 22:43:10 ⋅ 5d No. 334680
finalment el vàter es renta.
Turkey Bernd 2025-02-10 06:50:24 ⋅ 2d No. 335118
>>334611 There are no delete board function yet lol, working on it.
Turkey Bernd 2025-02-10 06:51:44 ⋅ 2d No. 335119
>>334614 Well maybe at least one good bernd stayed.

Texas Bernd 2025-02-01 06:29:30 ⋅ 1w No. 333723
What the flip Happened?
Texas Bernd 2025-02-09 05:43:09 ⋅ 3d No. 335026
United States Bernd 2025-02-09 05:57:55 ⋅ 3d No. 335028
Texas Bernd 2025-02-09 06:03:57 ⋅ 3d No. 335029
United States Bernd 2025-02-09 07:56:47 ⋅ 3d No. 335040

kohlchan Strikes again!!!

Texas Bernd 2025-02-02 00:23:49 ⋅ 1w
No. 333831
kohlchan Now was the domain “” and now is higher then >I my opinion we should obtain the domain to counteract this

Give us BALLS

Texas Bernd 2025-01-29 02:38:27 ⋅ 2w
No. 333522
OK BO this thread was kind of a shit post. >>322886 But the idea of custom Countryballs is an important thing that we should have. part of why image board are dying is because they had been doing the same thing for decades now. It’s not much but it’s a step in the right direction of making krautchan more unique and powerful place, and It will give people something to talk about. Most importantly people don’t recognize infinity, I hope that you do. Countryballs is such an important part of internet culture and history, I hope you can see that when you add other Countryballs on here. I know you can code for it because you change form a Turkishball to a hamster, so why not give power to the people? I don’t know how you would react to this. Whether you make a counter argument or say you can’t do that i just think it would be cool and save image boards form dying. >if you do This then redeem your custom Countryballs here ↓
United States Bernd 2025-01-29 17:05:34 ⋅ 2w No. 333550
>>333543 your getting your nut sack with a flag on it. >trust just give him some time, we have more important things just you wait.
Texas Bernd 2025-01-29 18:33:17 ⋅ 2w No. 333553
>>333531 >>333532 >>333534 Kek
United States Bernd 2025-01-29 20:15:08 ⋅ 2w No. 333561
>>333555 now where is Ukrainian girl
United States Bernd 2025-01-29 21:16:37 ⋅ 2w No. 333563

A KC Dream

Texas Bernd 2025-01-26 12:13:06 ⋅ 2w
No. 333391
Yesterday I had a dream of how to “fix” Krautchan. But you got to listen to me, I haven’t been here for that long, but the problem are gleaming. And I formed a 5 step plan to get KC with life you have to trust. I need you to respond to this thread so I know you’re here. >plan to save KC
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-26 15:43:09 ⋅ 2w No. 333397
>>333394 No ban words is not an option. Ive looked for ai solution and while there are options they all are pretty hardware intensive at least ones ive found, i keep looking tho. I have some other ideas, but cant disclosure them.
Texas Bernd 2025-01-26 16:20:47 ⋅ 2w No. 333398
>>333397 Well in that case before you can make krautchan look pretty you have to fix this >this is priority number one
United States Bernd 2025-01-26 18:42:44 ⋅ 2w No. 333399
Good luck
Texas Bernd 2025-01-27 04:07:14 ⋅ 2w No. 333425
>>333397 Say done when you complete objective 1


Ecuador Bernd 2025-01-23 17:01:29 ⋅ 2w
No. 333040
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-23 18:31:49 ⋅ 2w No. 333046
chat is not persistent just refresh the page and block the retard.
Texas Bernd 2025-01-23 18:42:00 ⋅ 2w No. 333047
>>333046 Come on BO, it’s just a complain no need to ban
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-23 19:00:28 ⋅ 2w No. 333048
>>333047 ban who what do you mean?
United States Bernd 2025-01-23 21:38:24 ⋅ 2w No. 333055
>>333048 sorry wrong person I did not know who you where calling a "retard" >my bad

By The Way

Finland Bernd 2025-01-21 16:51:26 ⋅ 3w
No. 332935
Should the Christmas stuff be removed already
Texas Bernd 2025-01-21 18:35:14 ⋅ 3w No. 332943
>>332935 Probably
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-21 23:04:08 ⋅ 3w No. 332948
its removed after month i think, should be 2 weeks probably. nvm. it was a bug should be 1 week after xmas, fixed.

What is this imageboard about and how is it's history like?

Finland Bernd 2024-12-30 05:20:42 ⋅ 1mn
No. 330279
Newbie to this site here, I used to post on 4chan and Ylilauta a lot, like 15 years ago. I was so overjoyed when I (many years ago) discovered the original Krautchan and it's /int/ sub-board, a perfect place for autistic ass burgers like me to seriously discuss world politics. I was nostalgic for the golden days of Krautchan this morning so I tried to google-search for it's unofficial successor board, an imageboard with serious discussions in German and English. As I remembered, original KC has been down for like 5 years, and it's immediate successor imageboard KohlChan was also down. Then I stumbled into this URL, . What is this board? I thought immediately that this would be just some sort of historical overview of KC without actual possibilities of a discussion board (no possibility to post new content). How long has this site been up? Does the admin encourage users to seriousdiscuss like in original KC? How much of a community does this site have? Any epic stories about discussions on this site? If there is an unofficial successor imageboard for KC over in the Internet that is not this place, please do tell me where to find it.
Turkey Bernd 2024-12-30 16:34:36 ⋅ 1mn No. 330308
>>330307 Ernstchan is dead(offline)
Finland Bernd 2024-12-30 20:07:32 ⋅ 1mn No. 330317
>>330308 is online
Turkey Bernd 2024-12-30 20:32:25 ⋅ 1mn No. 330318
>>330317 I didn't even knew about it. Is it same ernst or maybe another reincarnation?
Finland Bernd 2025-01-21 16:52:32 ⋅ 3w No. 332936
>>330318 idk

Iran Bernd 2024-10-12 17:17:26 ⋅ 4mn No. 322886
Please add Cubaball. Thanks.
Texas Bernd 2024-11-28 05:03:30 ⋅ 2mn No. 327649
Help me out here guys If they do not have countryball eyes and that are not balls are they still Countryballs?
United States Bernd 2024-12-11 14:19:51 ⋅ 2mn No. 328772
now add the other ones
Texas Bernd 2025-01-01 20:39:00 ⋅ 1mn No. 330466
Jokes aside add some more please like why is Kansas still a question mark >>330461 >We have a whole wiki of them!
Texas Bernd 2025-01-21 02:50:54 ⋅ 3w No. 332875
Oh BO, I got a page for you

Developer Bernd 2025-01-15 14:09:15 ⋅ 4w
No. 331870
Report system repaired. It was broken for few months, now it works again, use it!
Texas Bernd 2025-01-15 19:19:18 ⋅ 4w No. 331879
>>331870 Thanks