2023-05-30 14:13:25 ⋅ 1y
No. 272795
I'm Japanese, do you have any questions?
I answer any question.
Soy japonés, ¿tienes alguna pregunta?
respondo cualquier pregunta.
2023-05-30 15:51:34 ⋅ 1y
No. 272800
How's life in Japan?
2023-05-30 16:03:47 ⋅ 1y
No. 272803
Since I love Japan so much, I got many!
I always wondered what it's like to date a Japanese guy. Is it true that 85% of the males there are skinny?
Do the people there hate Chinese? Koreans? Mongolians? Are there any of them there?
Which country do you like and hate the most?
2023-05-31 07:04:08 ⋅ 1y
No. 272872
>>How's life in Japan?
とってもとってもいい !
>>Since I love Japan so much, I got many!
>> Is it true that 85% of the males there are skinny?
惜しい! ! 日本は世界で最も肥満率が低い国の一つです。 人々の 4% が肥満 (BMI 30kg/m2) と分類され、約 20% が過体重 (25 BMI<30kg/m2) です。 この2つを合わせると約24%になります。 つまり、76%の人が痩せていることがわかります。
>>そこの人たちは中国人が嫌いですか? 韓国人? モンゴル人?
気に入らない人もいるみたいですね。 私は人種や国籍を問わず、反日的な人が大嫌いです。 たとえそれが同胞日本人であっても。 でも、私は人種や国籍を問わず「親日」の人が大好きです!
私の好きな国は祖国である日本です。 パラオ、日本を除く。
私が嫌いな国はおそらく中国です...習近平は反日だからです。 ただ、私は政府は嫌いですが、先ほども言いましたが「親日」であれば中国人でも人種や国籍を問わず歓迎します。
>>How's life in Japan?
very very nice !
>>Since I love Japan so much, I got many!
thank you!
>> Is it true that 85% of the males there are skinny?
Japan has one of the lowest rates of obesity in the world. 4% of people are classified as obese (BMI 30kg/m2), and about 20% are overweight (25 BMI<30kg/m2). If you add those two together, it's about 24%. In other words, you can see that 76% of people are thin.
>>Do the people there hate Chinese? Koreans? Mongolians?
Sounds like some people don't like it. Regardless of race or nationality, I hate people who are anti-Japan. Even if it's a compatriot Japanese. However, I love people who are “pro-Japanese” regardless of race or nationality!
>>Which country do you like and hate the most?
My favorite country is Japan, my motherland. Palau, excluding Japan.
The reason is that Palau has many people who are pro-Japanese.
The country I hate is probably China...because Xi Jinping is anti-Japanese. However, I dislike the government, but as I said earlier, if they are "pro-Japanese," even Chinese people are welcome regardless of race or nationality.
>>How's life in Japan?
Muy muy lindo!
>> Como amo tanto a Japón, ¡tengo muchos!
>> ¿Es cierto que el 85% de los varones que hay son flacos?
Japón tiene una de las tasas de obesidad más bajas del mundo. El 4 % de las personas se clasifican como obesas (IMC 30 kg/m2) y alrededor del 20 % tienen sobrepeso (25 IMC<30 kg/m2). Si sumas esos dos juntos, es alrededor del 24%. En otras palabras, puedes ver que el 76% de las personas son delgadas.
>>¿La gente allí odia a los chinos? coreanos? mongoles?
Parece que a algunas personas no les gusta. Independientemente de la raza o la nacionalidad, odio a las personas que están en contra de Japón. Aunque sea un compatriota japonés. Sin embargo, me encantan las personas que son "pro-japonesas", independientemente de su raza o nacionalidad.
>>¿Qué país te gusta y odias más?
Mi país favorito es Japón, mi patria. Palaos, excepto Japón.
La razón es que Palau tiene mucha gente que es projaponesa.
El país que odio es probablemente China... porque Xi Jinping es antijaponés. Sin embargo, no me gusta el gobierno, pero como dije antes, si son "pro-japoneses", incluso los chinos son bienvenidos sin importar su raza o nacionalidad.
2023-06-05 10:43:03 ⋅ 1y
No. 273576
2023-06-05 15:23:19 ⋅ 1y
No. 273597
> very very nice
Can you imagine how nice it is when every Monday somebody jumps onto the railway delaying the train I take to work? Out of hapiness ans satisfaction I guess.
2023-06-05 15:43:31 ⋅ 1y
No. 273599
What do you think about jews?
2023-06-05 17:17:49 ⋅ 1y
No. 273606
Do you have proofs?
Post proofs or you are a spic behind proxy.
2023-06-06 12:44:53 ⋅ 1y
No. 273673
I don't think anything of it, but to you Jews are like anti-Japanese Koreans to me?
Yo no le doy importancia, pero para ti los judíos son como los coreanos antijaponeses para mí?
Ich halte nichts davon, aber für Sie sind Juden wie antijapanische Koreaner für mich?
2023-06-06 12:56:02 ⋅ 1y
No. 273674
My icon is a Japanese icon, but you want me to provide more proof than that... I understand. There you go. As you wish.
Mi icono es un icono japonés, pero quieres que aporte más pruebas que eso... Está bien. Aquí tiene, a su servicio.
Meine Ikone ist eine japanische Ikone, aber Sie wollen, dass ich mehr Beweise liefere als das... Ich verstehe das. Hier, bitte sehr. Wie Sie wünschen.
2023-06-06 13:22:28 ⋅ 1y
No. 273675
I'll upload a picture of the new one as well.
Subiré también una foto del nuevo.
Ich werde auch ein Foto des neuen Modells hochladen.
2023-06-06 13:30:23 ⋅ 1y
No. 273676
What traditions do you have in Japan? such as having a picnic under cherry trees...
Is it true that there is everything full of anime?
What's the weirdest thing you've seen in Japan?
How strict are they in schools?
2023-06-06 14:33:01 ⋅ 1y
No. 273687
Japan has many traditions, and I probably can't list them all, if you don't mind.
The most famous Japanese traditions are Japanese swords, pottery, hanami (picnic under the cherry blossoms), Shinto (an ancient Japanese religion), kimonos, tea ceremony... These are just a few of the many traditional cultures that exist in Japan!
Yes, I know! Well, not so much "crazy", but yes, to a certain extent.
The strangest thing I have seen in Japan... well... let's get a little occult, shall we? It was about four years ago, at the end of November, I think...? I've come to the conclusion...I saw a UFO. You thought I was lying, didn't you? It's true...? Well, this is really up to you whether you believe me or not, but I'll tell you the details in case you are interested.
As I said before, I saw it around 5 p.m. in late November four years ago.
November is winter in Japan, and the sun sets earlier in winter in Japan. So it was quite dark at 5 p.m. in winter. The shape of the UFO was V-shaped, with several orange V's inside. (I've included a image of it in case you are interested.)
Also, I was taking a walk with an acquaintance, so I saw it with him.
~End~ (I'm not sure if this is an overseas forum or not.
(I wonder if I'll be deleted because this is a foreign forum...? No, seriously, it might be bad. No seriously, no kidding.)
If this doesn't convince you, I'll tell you something else. If you don't agree, please tell me.
Japanese schools are strict!
Because there are some school rules and regulations in Japan that I don't understand. American school rules, for example, are like, "You can't bring video games," and I'm like, "Then you can bring your cell phone?" But the Japanese school rule is "You are not allowed to bring anything that is not related to learning. What? I don't get it, and what is the definition of something that is not related to learning? I'm not sure what you mean. Also, "Only tea and water are allowed in water bottles." I don't get it. That has nothing to do with studying.
Anyway, what I want to say is that Japanese schools are "very strict.
Japón tiene muchas tradiciones, probablemente no pueda enumerarlas todas.
Las tradiciones japonesas más famosas son las espadas japonesas, la cerámica, el hanami (picnics bajo los cerezos en flor), el sintoísmo (la antigua religión japonesa de los santuarios), los kimonos, la ceremonia del té... son sólo algunas, ¡pero hay mucha cultura tradicional en Japón!
Sí. Bueno, no tan "loca", pero sí, hasta cierto punto.
Lo más extraño que he visto en Japón... bueno... pongámonos un poco ocultistas, ¿vale? Eso fue hace unos cuatro años, ¿creo que fue a finales de noviembre? Ya he llegado a la conclusión... de que vi un OVNI. Ahora pensabas que estaba mintiendo, ¿verdad? ¿Es verdad...? Bueno, realmente depende de ti si me crees o no, pero te daré los detalles.
Como he dicho, lo vi a las cinco de la tarde a finales de noviembre de hace cuatro años.
En Japón, noviembre es invierno, y el sol se pone antes en invierno. Así que estaba bastante oscuro a las 5 de la tarde en invierno. La forma del OVNI es en V, con varias V naranjas en su interior. (He incluido una imagen por si te interesa).
Además, iba caminando con un conocido, así que lo vi con él.
(Me pregunto si me borrarán porque este es un foro extranjero...? No, en serio, puede ser malo. No en serio, no es broma)
Si no estás de acuerdo con esto, te diré algo más. Si no estás de acuerdo, dímelo.
Las escuelas japonesas son muy estrictas.
Porque hay normas escolares que no tienen sentido. Las normas de las escuelas americanas, por ejemplo, son del tipo: "No puedes llevar videojuegos a la escuela", pero las normas de las escuelas japonesas son del tipo: "¿Así que puedes llevar el móvil a la escuela?". Pero en Japón, la norma escolar es "No puedes llevar nada que no esté relacionado con el aprendizaje". ¿Eh? No lo entiendo, ¿y cuál es la definición de algo que no está relacionado con el aprendizaje? Además, "Sólo se permite llevar té y agua en botellas de agua". No lo entiendo. Eso no tiene nada que ver con el estudio.
En fin, lo que quiero decir es que las escuelas japonesas son "bastante estrictas".
Es gibt viele Traditionen in Japan, deshalb kann ich sie vielleicht nicht alle aufzählen, aber ist das in Ordnung?
Zu den berühmten japanischen Traditionen gehören japanische Schwerter, Töpferwaren, Hanami (Picknicks unter den Kirschblüten), Shinto (eine alte japanische Religion, Schreine), Kimonos und Teezeremonien. Aber Japan hat viel traditionelle Kultur!
Ja! Nun ja, so „unnormal“ ist es nicht, aber es ist bis zu einem gewissen Grad vorhanden.
Das Seltsamste, was ich in Japan gesehen habe ... nun ja ... es ist irgendwie okkult, okay? Ich glaube, es war etwa Ende November vor etwa vier Jahren ...? Ich sage es Ihnen aus dem Fazit: Ich habe „UFO“ gesehen. Sie dachten jetzt, ich würde lügen, nicht wahr? Das ist wahr…? Nein, das ist wirklich „es liegt an Ihnen, ob Sie es glauben oder nicht“, aber ich werde Ihnen die Details für alle Fälle erzählen.
Wie ich bereits sagte, habe ich es vor vier Jahren gegen 17:00 Uhr Ende November gesehen.
November ist in Japan Winter, aber im Winter geht in Japan die Sonne früher unter. Daher war es im Winter um 17 Uhr ziemlich dunkel. Es hat die Form eines UFOs, aber es ist V-förmig und es fühlt sich an, als wären darin viele orangefarbene Vs. (Ich habe ein Bild angehängt)
Außerdem war ich mit einem Bekannten spazieren und habe mir den Film mit diesem Bekannten angeschaut.
(Werde ich gelöscht, da es sich um ein Bulletin Board im Ausland handelt...? Nein, es könnte wirklich schlimm sein. Nein, im Ernst, kein Scherz)
Wenn Sie damit nicht zufrieden sind, erzähle ich Ihnen etwas anderes. Sagen Sie es mir, wenn Sie nicht einverstanden sind.
Japanische Schulen sind streng.
Weil es Schulregeln gibt, die ich nicht verstehe. In den amerikanischen Schulregeln heißt es zum Beispiel: „Bring keine Spiele mit.“ Komm nicht hierher.“ Deshalb. Zähne? Nein, ich weiß nicht warum, aber was ist die Definition von etwas, das nichts mit Lernen zu tun hat? Außerdem verstehe ich die Bedeutung von „In die Wasserflasche darf man nur Tee und Wasser geben“ nicht. Mit Lernen hat das nichts zu tun.
Ich versuche jedenfalls zu sagen, dass japanische Schulen „ziemlich streng“ sind.
2023-06-06 16:20:12 ⋅ 1y
No. 273707
wow its very interesting
From your way of writing, I see that you are a very polite and respectful Japanese, are most of them also like that?
The UFO thing is interesting, did anything else happen to you about that?
How do the Japanese see the otakus there?
What fashions are currently in Japan?
Are there many gyarus out there?
I'm envious that you use beautiful seifukus and here there is none of that T-T
2023-06-06 18:40:04 ⋅ 1y
No. 273719
What do you think of Peru?
Did you know that Peru has the third largest nikkei community in the world?
Which countries do you want or plan to visit?
What do you think about that Japan kept Chinese/Oriental cultural heritage better than the Chinese Commies?
What do you think about Chinese cultural influence in Japan?
Do you think Asian people hating Japanese for their war crimes during WW2 is justified?
What do you think about Japan’s current state of their armed forces, and the relationship of Japan and the United States?
2023-06-09 21:28:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 274112
Probably, there are far more polite Japanese than rude ones. However, there are very occasional Japanese who are very rude.
I did not have my camera with me at the time of the UFO, so I could not take pictures. If I had taken pictures, something would have happened, but I did not take pictures, so nothing changed in my life. The mysterious American agency will come.
The creepy otaku are basically treated with disdain, but the normal nerds will be treated the same as the general public. ("Normal otaku" in this context refers to "people who like anime and certain things in moderation. A "creepy otaku" in this context refers to "people who like anime and certain things excessively.")
There is no particular fashion trend in Japan right now. fashion is not in vogue in Japan right now. probably... I am sorry, but I am not familiar with the fads...
Probablemente, hay muchos más japoneses educados que maleducados. Sin embargo, hay japoneses muy groseros de vez en cuando.
En el momento del ovni no llevaba la cámara, así que no pude hacer fotos. Si hubiera hecho fotos, algo habría pasado, pero no las hice, así que nada cambió en mi vida. La misteriosa agencia americana vendrá.
Los espeluznantes otaku son tratados básicamente con desdén, pero los frikis normales serán tratados igual que el público en general. ("Otaku normal" en este contexto se refiere a "gente a la que le gusta el anime y ciertas cosas con moderación". Un "otaku espeluznante" en este contexto se refiere a "gente a la que le gusta el anime y ciertas cosas en exceso").
No hay ninguna tendencia de moda en particular en Japón ahora mismo. probablemente... Lo siento, pero no estoy familiarizado con las modas...
Wahrscheinlich gibt es viel mehr höfliche als unhöfliche Japaner. Allerdings gibt es auch vereinzelt Japaner, die sehr unhöflich sind.
Zum Zeitpunkt des UFOs hatte ich meine Kamera nicht dabei, also konnte ich keine Fotos machen. Hätte ich Fotos gemacht, wäre etwas passiert, aber ich habe keine Fotos gemacht, also hat sich in meinem Leben nichts geändert. Die geheimnisvolle amerikanische Agentur wird kommen.
Die gruseligen Otaku werden grundsätzlich mit Verachtung behandelt, aber die normalen Nerds werden genauso behandelt wie die Allgemeinheit. ("Normaler Otaku" bezieht sich in diesem Zusammenhang auf "Leute, die Anime und bestimmte Dinge in Maßen mögen. Ein "gruseliger Otaku" bezieht sich in diesem Zusammenhang auf "Leute, die Anime und bestimmte Dinge exzessiv mögen").
In Japan gibt es derzeit keinen besonderen Modetrend. Mode ist in Japan derzeit nicht en vogue. wahrscheinlich... Es tut mir leid, aber ich bin mit den trends nicht vertraut...
2024-05-10 11:31:55 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309865
sorry for leaving u a bad impression of china
though most Chinese you meet would be anti-Japan because of the stuff done by the empire of Japan in the 1940s
but anti-Japan doesn't mean anti-Japanese at the same time. We love anime and games from Japan (never mind some elderly criticizing it) and the appliances from Japan are really good
btw do you Japanese really eat THAT little? it is said that many Chinese tourists in Japan surprise other Japanese for eating a lot
2024-05-10 11:36:16 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309866
China is the same for school rules.We use sins instead of virtues to teach children.
'no rubbish in rubbish bins'
'you must eat all the food(that taste actually like shit)or you will lose points(sth actually useless except fooling students)'
it seems that the whole east Asia has education problems
2024-05-10 18:13:40 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309882
Damn he avoided the good questions, the nip fears the Inca and the Chink
2024-05-11 08:32:32 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309911
well we chinese still hate japan for their crimes and it is said that these main war criminals are considered heroes
they call invadin’ east Asia something like “Building the Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere” which is actually just raids and massacres
for the cultural heritage part,Japan does do a slightly better job than we commies, like a palace built based on the structure of the Chinese capital in the past, but the Japanese culture is actually a mixture of Chinese and japan’s local culture, so you may never see the pure Chinese culture in Japan
2024-05-11 08:35:21 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309912
wait did he actually answer u
I don’t find it
2024-05-11 10:31:03 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309920
2024-05-11 20:03:31 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309953
He did not, and they were interesting questions because Peru has big ties with Japan (and also China, many Oriental migrants).
Here to expose the limezambian
Bernd 2024-05-11 21:25:09 ⋅ 4mn No. 309965>jap migrant exist
>does nothing
>they make pogroms against them, ban their culture, forbide them the entrance to the country, can't get the citizenship and deport them to detention camps in muttland
>continental caribbean niggers exist
>daily murder limeans, rape their daughters, burn them alive, quarter them, extortion their bussineses, rob them, insult them, kidnap them, contaminate the country and the youth with their degenerate shitty culture, urban music that incites to caribbean behaviour, contaminante the streets with their disgusting presence, sluts, food, disturb the peace blasting loud their shitty music and with their motorcycles
>they worship them, give them jobs(to gey robbed, kidnaped or dead later), gift them citizenship, play their anthem on public schools, they match with them (to get either robbed or dead later), fiscals set them free whenever they commit crimes, they enter and exit the country like nothing (this way they are free to commit any crime they want without repercutions) allow their kids to relate to them, the radios and TV promote their degenerate culture and music and whenever someone points at the negative facts they deffend them acussing you of being a xenophobe
Limezambians are the vivid representation of the "I love neger"
2024-05-11 21:32:03 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309966
The tahuantinsuyu has nothing to do with the limezambian freemasonic jewmerican's vassal fail state
2024-05-12 01:34:07 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309976
2024-05-12 02:44:30 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309977
dunno what u mean by “talk freely”
if u wanna post illegal stuff like drugs you gonna definitely be banned anywhere
but if you only wanna discuss politics and not be banned, fine, anywhere
id recommend Tieba coz it works like krautchan but with a more precise category
btw I don’t know if the fire great wall of china is two- sided since iv never been abroad.if so,good luck with ur vpn lol
2024-05-12 02:56:05 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309978
why does Peru have big ties with japan
2024-05-14 19:10:46 ⋅ 4mn
No. 310398
Because big numbers of Japanese migrated here. Same for Chinese.
2024-05-14 19:48:39 ⋅ 4mn
No. 310402
thanks, I have seen that site before but I really did not like the interface.
also it doesn't seem to be anonymous.
aren't there any sites where you can post anonymously like 4chan?
i need to find such a place. I have heard Bernds say that they have seen a taiwanese imageboard, do you maybe know anything about such a place?
I am having troubles navigating through the chinese web. It's all so different and many sites just don't work because I'm outside the wall.
2024-05-15 06:58:37 ⋅ 4mn
No. 310449
>you have to use proxies KEK
do you really think honduras would have a proxy?
kindergarten tier
>or something
limezambians copying amerilards in everything, even if it's the way they write on an IB
Anyways just keep burning caribbeans until you get aids, that's just natural selection
2024-05-15 18:52:40 ⋅ 4mn
No. 310503
Ok serrano provinciano we know you are ashamed of who you are and where you live, sissy loser. Stop derailing the threads, you are asking to be banned.