2023-06-07 18:16:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 273800
Tomorrow I will go to the gym for the first time in months.
2023-06-07 18:23:17 ⋅ 1y
No. 273805
Gym is such ans shit. Just get a powerrack and ans olybar with some weights.
2023-06-07 18:24:05 ⋅ 1y
No. 273806
2023-06-07 18:24:32 ⋅ 1y
No. 273807
Why not?
2023-06-07 18:28:46 ⋅ 1y
No. 273808
My room is small, I don't think it helps motivation working out at home, I'm a beginner, so I need the machines at the gym, the gym is provided to me by my employer, so I can just go there after work and it's ultra cheap because of that (9€ a month).
2023-06-07 18:29:46 ⋅ 1y
No. 273810
Gym is based.
My gym has a sauna too.
After workout I always go there and then have a cold shower.
I feel like reborn afterwards.
2023-06-07 18:31:50 ⋅ 1y
No. 273811
I see. Then why didn't you go there in months?
2023-06-07 18:35:15 ⋅ 1y
No. 273813
2023-06-07 18:42:18 ⋅ 1y
No. 273815
Extreme coldness is good for the muscles because it reduces recovery time. American athletes have cryo chambers for this.
2023-06-07 18:45:13 ⋅ 1y
No. 273817
Doesn't it make the muscles contract and wouldn't you want them to relax after the workout?
t. noob
2023-06-07 18:49:40 ⋅ 1y
No. 273818
I doubt that any of us trains on a level where a cold shower makes any difference at all on the gains.
2023-06-07 19:14:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 273825
he looks like the "new germans"
2023-06-07 19:25:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 273828
What do you mean? What is wrong with him?
2023-06-07 19:43:55 ⋅ 1y
No. 273836
2023-06-08 02:19:14 ⋅ 1y
No. 273879
Top kek
2023-06-08 23:47:33 ⋅ 1y
No. 273952
Do you enjoy the smell and/or sight of partially naked men engaged in elaborate physical activities?
2023-06-09 00:14:25 ⋅ 1y
No. 273956
Going to the gym in your twenties is very worth it because it is the time of your life when you want to attract a partner to mate with.
Paying 3-4 hours a week is nothing if it gets you better looking women.
Also gymtime is perfect to listen to some interesting podcasts or so.
2023-06-09 00:14:49 ⋅ 1y
No. 273957
I mean, who says you can't train body and brain at the same time?
2023-06-09 00:29:35 ⋅ 1y
No. 273958
2023-06-09 00:41:06 ⋅ 1y
No. 273960
2023-06-09 02:35:37 ⋅ 1y
No. 273965
Stop projecting, weak sissy
2023-06-09 02:57:48 ⋅ 1y
No. 273974
You really like being around half-naked men, huh.
2023-06-09 03:17:33 ⋅ 1y
No. 273977
>half-naked men
Gyms in Bulgayria are weird, no wonder you are a sissy
2023-06-09 05:37:57 ⋅ 1y
No. 273983
So, OP - did you actually go?
2023-06-09 10:48:24 ⋅ 1y
No. 274001
2023-06-09 11:10:24 ⋅ 1y
No. 274002
When are you going to go against?
2023-06-09 11:26:31 ⋅ 1y
No. 274003
2023-06-09 11:37:18 ⋅ 1y
No. 274004
What exercises are you going to do?
2023-06-10 13:52:30 ⋅ 1y
No. 274217
it's tomorrow already
2023-06-10 13:55:14 ⋅ 1y
No. 274218
It is gratifying for the body and the mind, obviously the first time you go you are going to get tired as hell, the first time I went I had excruciating pain in my legs for 2 days, but after that you get used to the routine
2023-06-10 15:13:27 ⋅ 1y
No. 274234
Just came home from the gym.
2023-06-10 15:16:35 ⋅ 1y
No. 274236
what exercises did you do? how are you feeling?
2023-06-10 15:21:30 ⋅ 1y
No. 274237
Feeling good, I had some muscle soreness today and it's still present, but not too bad.
2023-06-10 15:39:29 ⋅ 1y
No. 274250
Did you ogle at the females in yoga pants?
2023-06-10 16:23:50 ⋅ 1y
No. 274256
It's only for the employees of the company I work for. Most of the time I'm alone. And I literally have never seen a woman there besides some granny on the weekends.
2023-06-10 17:05:10 ⋅ 1y
No. 274259
did you ogle the granny?
2023-06-10 17:08:16 ⋅ 1y
No. 274262
I don’t know what that means, but I didn’t do anything to her. She was doing some stretching with some other old dude.
2023-06-10 17:09:10 ⋅ 1y
No. 274263
> The verb "ogle" refers to staring at someone with strong or excessive interest, often in a way that is considered impolite or suggestive. It implies a prolonged and intense gaze, typically driven by physical attraction or desire. The act of ogling often involves making someone feel uncomfortable or objectified, as it suggests a lack of respect for personal boundaries.
2023-06-11 01:43:42 ⋅ 1y
No. 274336
2023-06-12 16:52:02 ⋅ 1y
No. 274548
Back home from the gym.
2023-06-12 16:57:43 ⋅ 1y
No. 274549
what exercises did you do?
2023-06-14 12:30:31 ⋅ 1y
No. 274813
i also work out
2023-06-14 14:21:48 ⋅ 1y
No. 274830
Coming home from gym
2023-06-14 14:25:48 ⋅ 1y
No. 274831
tell me what exercises you did; do it now [spoiler]or else[/spoiler]
2023-06-14 14:39:15 ⋅ 1y
No. 274840
2023-06-14 14:54:14 ⋅ 1y
No. 274852
why not?
2023-06-14 16:52:08 ⋅ 1y
No. 274875
He only works out at machines. He probably does not know the names of the machines nor the exercises.
2023-06-14 17:52:15 ⋅ 1y
No. 274894
or maybe he's the Bernd who said he wouldn't share his workouts because another Bernd had ridiculed him in the past
2023-06-14 18:13:19 ⋅ 1y
No. 274897
2023-06-14 18:27:36 ⋅ 1y
No. 274901
You are missing out on a lot of potential gains if you don't listen to Bernd's expert training, diet, and steroid cycle advice.
2023-06-15 13:28:36 ⋅ 1y
No. 274962
Gym is a shit. SHIT!!! I have been lifting for years. The gym is full of trollops whose extremely detailed vulvas are plainly visible through their whorepants.
Simps will defend them when they do their porno TikTok stretch routines on the bench press, or will stick out their practically naked arses doing terrible pseudo squats on the deadlift platforms.
I will never go back to the gym to lift. I have a rack and plates and two barbells. I believe that there should be an element of mortal fear in the weightlifting area, and that if you are occupying the equipment without using it you should be subject to trial by combat.
2023-06-16 10:55:37 ⋅ 1y
No. 275107
Just finished my workout. Not gonna go home just yet, because I still have work to do.
2023-06-16 19:44:25 ⋅ 1y
No. 275176
have you learned the names of the exercises yet?
tomorrow I'm going back to the gym after over a month of spiraling out of control and doing unhealthy things and here's the plan:
group 1: single leg deadlift L/R, squat
group 2: straight leg deadlift, reverse lunge
intermission: squat jump as long as I can
group 3: side lunge, standing fire hydrant with a band
group 4: single leg bridge off bench L/R, straight leg lift
intermission: burpee as long as I can
group 5: hip thrust off bench, sumo squat
group 6: wide deadlift, supine leg raise
each group ABAB, repeat x2 + warm up and cool down
2023-06-16 21:18:45 ⋅ 1y
No. 275183
I just hit the benchpress and do curls until I can't anymore
have been doing it for months the results are pretty nice even if I'm missing some core strength and back exercises
2023-06-17 07:30:03 ⋅ 1y
No. 275217
wouldn't it be better if you hit more muscle groups in your arms?
2023-06-17 07:56:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 275220
bench hits triceps and chest curls hit biceps seems like to me the exercises I am doing now are pretty well-rounded in terms of hitting arm muscle groups
2023-06-17 09:11:50 ⋅ 1y
No. 275225
how about deltoids?
2023-06-17 09:17:22 ⋅ 1y
No. 275226
I am missing those as well but honestly triceps and biceps are the most noticeable when it comes to results, maybe eventually I'll expand some of the exercises I do but right now I don't feel like delts are that big of a deal.
2023-06-17 09:24:24 ⋅ 1y
No. 275227
do you ever do legs?
2023-06-17 10:18:55 ⋅ 1y
No. 275230
I'm trying to go to the gym regularly as well. It's difficult because of depression and procrastination. But we're all gonna make it, bernds.
2023-06-17 10:39:46 ⋅ 1y
No. 275231
Not really no but I have naturally strong legs so it evens out in the end. I should probably do legs since I broke my knee and got surgery a while back and never trained it to full strength since, but I am lazy.
2023-06-17 10:48:37 ⋅ 1y
No. 275232
You can do it.
2023-06-17 11:16:50 ⋅ 1y
No. 275234
Been going twice a week for about 6 weeks now.
Yesterday my brother told me he noticed that im exercising.
can't wait to hit the gym again!
t. yet another
2023-06-17 17:48:11 ⋅ 1y
No. 275259
you should set a date and just force yourself to go no matter what
2023-06-18 14:17:08 ⋅ 1y
No. 275373
Just finished my workout. Now to the shower and then home.
2023-06-18 14:53:02 ⋅ 1y
No. 275375
2023-06-18 15:11:28 ⋅ 1y
No. 275376
2023-06-18 15:33:39 ⋅ 1y
No. 275378
2023-06-18 15:46:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 275380
Went against today. Even talked to the cute gym receptionist.
2023-06-18 18:27:34 ⋅ 1y
No. 275393
lul i always talk to them
2023-06-18 18:28:28 ⋅ 1y
No. 275394
will go too in 3 hours :)
2023-06-18 18:32:50 ⋅ 1y
No. 275396
saying hello doesn't count
2023-06-18 19:11:12 ⋅ 1y
No. 275400
your opinions don't count
2023-06-18 19:56:36 ⋅ 1y
No. 275407
are you trying to hurt my feelings?
2023-06-20 17:00:17 ⋅ 1y
No. 275622
On my way home from the gym.
2023-06-21 13:39:12 ⋅ 1y
No. 275728
Came home from gym.
Having protein shake and cheap ALDI sushi that tastes surprisingly okay for its price (5,99€).
**today I came from rehearsal straight to the gym and the lady asked me what I play on my guitar... she was very eager to talk so I invited her to our next gig and she said she'll come :))**
2023-06-21 13:50:19 ⋅ 1y
No. 275729
that's good to hear, please keep us updated
2023-06-21 16:02:02 ⋅ 1y
No. 275740
Gym is for faggots
2023-06-21 17:04:46 ⋅ 1y
No. 275748
It really is, literally the most camouflage gay place I can think of that isn't especially labeled as gay like a gay bar or a men's only sauna
2023-06-21 17:12:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 275749
There is nothing wrong with pumping some iron with your buds.
2023-06-21 17:19:07 ⋅ 1y
No. 275751
there are many women too duh
2023-06-21 17:26:53 ⋅ 1y
No. 275754
2023-06-21 18:06:02 ⋅ 1y
No. 275760
came back from running laps for an hour, it's 27 degrees and I am dying
not everyone has the courage to be out and proud
2023-06-21 18:35:27 ⋅ 1y
No. 275766
based keep it up is /fit/
2023-06-21 18:55:22 ⋅ 1y
No. 275770
True, instead they project themselves upon others.
Today is back day:
4x12 lat pull down
4x12 row pull
4x12 dumbbell lat pullover
4x12 (each arm) dumbbell single-arm row
4x12 deadlift until failure and/or Breaking PR
2023-06-21 21:27:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 275784
>running laps for an hour
Are you retarded or something, do you not realize you keep coming back to the place where you started? Why not go run inna woods at least, or even better go on a bike ride and have fun riding and cruising, seeing stuff, feeling the wind and feeling free, while not putting so much stress on your joints
2023-06-21 21:52:44 ⋅ 1y
No. 275790
> Are you retarded or something
I was running on grass and I don't weight much, so while your concern for my joints is appreciated it's not really necessary; I usually use a treadmill but got bored
there aren't any woods close by; besides, that's how you get murdered or worse
2023-06-21 22:40:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 275794
>there aren't any woods close by; besides, that's how you get murdered or worse
The only people I ever meet in the woods are old boomers walking their dogs 99% of the time, and the deeper you go the higher the chance you won't meet anyone at all, that's what's so great about it. Last time I had encountered a hunter though sitting on one of these shooting seats watching through his binoculars, that spooped me a little because he could have just shot me with absolutely no witnesses around, maybe someone in the distance would have heard a shot but that's normal, somebody shot at a deer no biggie, he could have easily picked my body up in time and loaded it unto his truck and chopped me up into little pieces and disposed of me with no trace left
2023-06-22 10:03:13 ⋅ 1y
No. 275816
>that's how you get murdered or worse
What the fuck.
Past ten years I was into the woods on daily basis, mostly just an hour, but did dayhikes about weekly too. All the people I met were at least harmless and most decent. Well except the occasional wood thieving gypsies but they were busy thieving the wood (the only time they are actually busy), the don't attack noone if not fucked with.
As for forestry workers and hunters, one should greet them openly and clearly they like those people who are straight as an arrow.
2023-06-22 10:19:28 ⋅ 1y
No. 275820
one day someone will abduct you and you'll remember my words
2023-06-22 10:30:51 ⋅ 1y
No. 275822
Have you tried carrying pepper spray with you at all times? Maybe then you would feel safer.
2023-06-22 10:58:47 ⋅ 1y
No. 275823
maybe I will, that's a good idea
but it still wouldn't work against sneaky attacks when you don't even have the time to take the spray out
2023-06-22 11:33:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 275824
You can also wear a helmet so noone is able to sneak up on you and know you out. Additionally there are these little alarms things that start to peep when you pull out a pin. If someone tries to grab you from behind you should be able to pull the pin and then hope that the loud noise distracts him good enough that you are able to pull out your pepper spray.
2023-06-22 14:04:21 ⋅ 1y
No. 275844
would a loud noise distract you?
2023-06-22 15:07:54 ⋅ 1y
No. 275853
It would make me very paranoid if it went off outside.
But if you are alone in the woods it wouldn't do much. However, if you are in the woods with noone around it is basically impossible to sneak up on you. As soon as someone moves in the woods you will hear him. So you should be pretty save there.
Generally, I think the chances of being randomly murdered are pretty slim, because the attacker does not gain anything from it. Imho the highest chances of being attacked would be if someone would like to rape you. And tbh the best action against this would be to not look rapable. If you could pull off a false full white beard you would be pretty safe.
2023-06-22 15:33:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 275855
>the best action against this would be to not look rapable
Close to impossible for that little Polish slut
2023-06-22 15:49:04 ⋅ 1y
No. 275856
Your toxicity is the reason why you are alone.
2023-06-22 15:57:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 275857
Nah, I always have my cleaver and shovel with me.
2023-06-22 16:09:54 ⋅ 1y
No. 275858
Your lack of humor is why you are
2023-06-22 16:18:04 ⋅ 1y
No. 275859
even if you get friends, job and a girlfriend, you will find that this society at least deserves to fucking collapse. Fuck this feminist shit society.
2023-06-22 16:23:37 ⋅ 1y
No. 275860
Nothing could be further from the truth. My whole life is a joke.
2023-06-22 17:37:13 ⋅ 1y
No. 275866
I've been looking at those personal alarms online, half of them are pink and some of the advertisements are hilarious, like this one at 50s - as if anyone would come running to rescue you IRL
> If you could pull off a false full white beard you would be pretty safe.
how about an obviously fake twirly mustache?
2023-06-22 19:18:54 ⋅ 1y
No. 275869
Unfortunately, a thick nice mustache gives you +10% in rapability. Maybe try the glasses/mustache/nose combo.
I think a 110db+ alarm will have more effect than you think it does. This will hurt in the ears and cause a natural reaction to get away from it. If you want to get more serious you might want to look into tasers.
2023-06-22 21:29:53 ⋅ 1y
No. 275888
so you're saying mustaches are more attractive than they are intimidating?
can't really get a taser since we have weird self defence laws - basically your response to an attack should be "proportionate", meaning you can't use more force than your attacker (e.g. if someone attacks you with their fists and you stab them with a knife then you're in trouble)
2023-06-22 21:59:25 ⋅ 1y
No. 275892
top 3 lowest IQ poster on right after uruguay and paul
2023-06-22 22:15:58 ⋅ 1y
No. 275894
Paul is so high IQ he could take a shit in your mouth without you noticing
2023-06-22 22:39:10 ⋅ 1y
No. 275895
t. top 4
2023-06-22 23:22:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 275898
t. top 1
2023-06-22 23:24:38 ⋅ 1y
No. 275899
nah, if you count in all the zetas i'd be far above average though
2023-06-27 06:30:01 ⋅ 1y
No. 276476
I’m still going regularly to the gym, didn’t miss a training day since I started this thread, but didn’t feel like reporting in the last couple of days. Why does the Pole and his SIMP entourage always have to derail perfectly fine threads?
2023-06-27 14:32:42 ⋅ 1y
No. 276511
have you learned the names of the exercises yet? [spoiler]I'm not asking to be mean, I genuinely want to know[/spoiler]
2023-06-27 14:51:09 ⋅ 1y
No. 276512
No, but that is, because I do not care enough and I don’t see why I would need to know the names.
2023-06-27 15:59:18 ⋅ 1y
No. 276521
for the sole purpose of satiating my curiosity, duh
2023-06-29 16:04:14 ⋅ 1y
No. 276680
Coming home from gym
2023-06-29 16:18:14 ⋅ 1y
No. 276681
Just took a big shit, it got stuck there for a moment but eventually went down on its own
2023-06-29 16:53:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 276685
5x12 bench press
4x12 inclined bench press
4x12 declined bench press
4x12 chest fly machine
And abs for lower part of the abdominal muscles (without pause 10 reverse crunches, 20 scissors, 10 leg raides, 10 pulse-ups, 20 bicycle crunches, 10 crunch kicks and 10 short bridges with weight for lower back. Repeat 4 times)
2023-06-29 18:04:35 ⋅ 1y
No. 276691
Boy can lift
2023-06-29 18:10:28 ⋅ 1y
No. 276693
Do you work out everyday?
17 sets just for chest seems a bit excessive.
2023-06-29 18:25:13 ⋅ 1y
No. 276695
>Do you work out everyday?
I try to, sometimes I cannot because of life activities.
>17 sets just for chest seems a bit excessive.
It is actually one more set than the usual, considering that those 4 exercises work exactly all the chest zones and 4x8-12 is the norm for hypertrophy. I try giving 5 sets for a little extra pump but yesterday I was lifting heavy so I only could during the start exercise.
Right now shoulders/traps day.
2023-06-29 18:55:17 ⋅ 1y
No. 276697
What is your bench press max?
2023-06-29 20:12:13 ⋅ 1y
No. 276704
100 kg when I was 16 (many many many years ago). Right now 60 kg because I have a rotator cuff tear that never got treated properly so I have to train smart when doing chest (those 60kg feel damn heavy) and shoulders.
Shoulders day:
4x12 standing dumbbell OHP
4x12 seated dumbbell bent over lateral raises
4x12 standing Arnold press
4x12 standing dumbbell lateral raises
4x12 standing dumbbell front lateral raises
4x12 dumbbell shrugs (here HEAVY)
Because of the aforementioned reasons when I use dumbbells I emphasize working more resistance (my muscles were tired by the last shoulders exercise) rather than hypertrophy (although it also works hypertrophy) when I do my shoulder dumbbell day. I have another routine for the next shoulders day where I use barbells with only 4 exercises where the focus is hypertrophy.
2023-06-29 21:04:51 ⋅ 1y
No. 276707
>Rey Incel
2023-06-29 21:25:08 ⋅ 1y
No. 276709
Went to gym with a w*man yesterday night.
I was looking at her ass all the time.
2023-06-29 22:34:18 ⋅ 1y
No. 276718
>loser who projects and does not train
2023-06-30 20:54:42 ⋅ 1y
No. 276815
Do you feel like training everyday is worth it or do you just do it for the endorphins?`
I don't know any dedicated lifter that has done this for several years who hasn't at least one fucked up joint.
The older I get the more I come to the conclusion that doing progressive overloading for years inevitably fucks you up.
2023-07-01 17:57:39 ⋅ 1y
No. 276927
>Do you feel like training everyday is worth it or do you just do it for the endorphins?
More than the endorphines or pleasure (which I also enjoy when working out) it is a matter of health, discipline and self-improvement.
Regarding the other things, if you train smart (knowing your limits and pushing them but in a way respectful to your body) you won’t suffer injuries. My rotator cuff tear was done during a fight so it’s another story.
2023-07-02 12:38:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 277034
Finished workout. Now to the shower and then home.
2023-07-04 16:45:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 277338
Coming home from gym
2023-07-04 16:56:44 ⋅ 1y
No. 277340
What a life
2023-07-04 18:33:23 ⋅ 1y
No. 277356
Quite good innit
2023-07-04 21:00:31 ⋅ 1y
No. 277372
Legs day
4x12 hip abduction
4x12 squats
4x12 leg press
4x12 inner thigh abduction
4x12 leg curl
4x12 leg extension
4x25 seated calf raises
4x12 standing calf raises
2023-07-04 21:25:00 ⋅ 1y
No. 277374
how long does it take you to complete these?
2023-07-05 15:12:10 ⋅ 1y
No. 277445
My shoulder hurts like hell. I think, I’m doing some exercise wrong…
2023-07-05 15:29:16 ⋅ 1y
No. 277447
Do you do shoulder press on a machine?
2023-07-05 15:37:34 ⋅ 1y
No. 277448
I do it lying down with two dumb bells
2023-07-05 15:42:34 ⋅ 1y
No. 277449
Do you do benchpress?
2023-07-05 15:44:48 ⋅ 1y
No. 277450
On a machine
2023-07-05 15:47:29 ⋅ 1y
No. 277451
In this case the only advice I can give you is to not ignore it. If you just continue it will get worse and worse until something is fucked up permanently. Try to identify which exercise causes it and fix your form or do something different instead.
2023-07-05 16:02:26 ⋅ 1y
No. 277452
Okay, thanks. Do you think it could also come from chest exercises?
2023-07-05 16:07:16 ⋅ 1y
No. 277454
When you do bench press in a vertical line it wrecks your shoulders. But a machine should take care of that. You should also pull your shoulder blades back. This will take load off your shoulders.
2023-07-07 00:06:44 ⋅ 1y
No. 277626
From 1 hour to 1 hour and a half. Other routines are from 45 min. to 1 hour, this one is the longest.
Watch out for rotator cuff injuries, they are the most common when doing wrong chest exercises. The same principle he posted for dumbbells applies for barbells too. I also recommend you research about the scapular function when doing chest exercises so you can get a better form and technique.
2023-07-07 00:28:39 ⋅ 1y
No. 277631
>Rey Incel
2023-07-07 00:46:52 ⋅ 1y
No. 277633