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New epoch: collapse of clown world

Bernd Bernd 2024-09-03 17:42:49 ⋅ 1w
No. 318380
Peak clown world was 2014 - 2024 Now comes the collapse.
Bernd Bernd 2024-09-03 17:44:22 ⋅ 1w No. 318381
>Beim Madrider Rettungsdienst Samur sind die Mitarbeiterinnen Ende August auf die Barrikaden gegangen. Der Auslöser war die Entscheidung zweier Sanitäter, von einem Tag auf den anderen ihr Geschlecht offiziell zu ändern und sich als Frauen zu deklarieren. Seitdem sind Antonio und Jesús, die ihre Namen beibehalten haben, regelmässig in den Umkleide-und Duschbereichen der Frauen anzutreffen und machen von ihren neuen Rechten als Transfrauen intensiv Gebrauch. GPT ENGLISH TRANSLATION >At the Madrid emergency service, Samur, the female employees went up in arms at the end of August. The trigger was the decision of two paramedics to officially change their gender overnight and declare themselves as women. Since then, Antonio and Jesús, who have kept their names, have regularly been found in the women's changing and shower areas and have been making intensive use of their new rights as trans women.
Germany Bernd 2024-09-03 20:20:52 ⋅ 1w No. 318411
Come on you guys, this is an important point in history
Bernd Bernd 2024-09-04 19:54:26 ⋅ 1w No. 318486
Finland Bernd 2024-09-05 13:26:26 ⋅ 1w No. 318511
never forget that /pol/ ruined the Pagliacci mene
Hungary Bernd 2024-09-06 12:54:36 ⋅ 1w No. 318566
>>318511 They really did, didn't they.

Happy 9/11 you guys

Germany Bernd 2024-09-11 00:29:21 ⋅ 4d
No. 319210
Germany Bernd 2024-09-11 08:54:22 ⋅ 3d No. 319250
>mum, can we have 9/11? <we've got 9/11 at home honey
Germany Bernd 2024-09-11 09:32:25 ⋅ 3d No. 319251
>>319250 looks like the work of russian saboteurs, i even see russia flag colors on first pic
Germany Bernd 2024-09-11 13:49:57 ⋅ 3d No. 319272