2024-10-30 18:14:11 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325185
This is the power of Christianity, this is the power of Catholicism.
In Judaism you eat a dry hard tack bread, say thank you for being alive in spite of your mental illnesses, go back to your ugly featureless modernist house, look at your ugly wife before turning back to other side of the bed, and call it day.
In catholicism instead you affirm life! You praise beauty, light, happiness, you love and admire cute anime girls.
It's over. I kneel.
2024-10-30 18:17:43 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325189
Hard to believe this is real.
Seriously what the fuck.
2024-10-30 18:24:37 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325191
One day a pilgrim came to see us. He complained bitterly about the Jews and
abused them. He had been going about their villages and had to put up with their
unfriendliness and cheating. He was so bitter against them that he cursed them, even
saying they were not fit to live because of their obstinacy and unbelief. Finally he said
that he had such an aversion for them that it was quite beyond his control.
"You have no right, friend," said the starets, "to abuse and curse the Jews like
this. God made them just as He made us. You should be sorry for them and pray for
them, not curse them. Believe me, the disgust you feel for them comes from the fact
that you are not grounded in the love of God and have no interior prayer as a security
and, therefore, no inward peace. I will read you a passage from the holy Fathers
about this. Listen, this is what Mark the podvizhnik writes: 'The soul which is inwardly
united to God becomes, in the greatness of its joy, like a good- natured, simple-
hearted child, and now condemns no one, Greek, heathen, Jew, nor sinner, but looks
at them all alike with sight that has been cleansed, finds joy in the whole world, and
wants everybody—Greeks and Jews and heathen—to praise God.' And Macarius the
Great, of Egypt, says that the inward contemplative 'burns with so great a love that if
it were possible he would have everyone dwell within him, making no difference
between bad and good.' There, dear brother, you see what the holy Fathers think
about it. So I advise you to lay aside your fierceness, and look upon everything as
under the all-knowing providence of God, and when you meet with vexations accuse
yourself especially of lack of patience and humility."
2024-10-30 18:40:18 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325198
It's truly over.
Maybe this was the catholic secret weapon to defeat Islamism. No religion has 10% of this memetic penetration... Soon there will even be hentais of luce.
I want a luce gf.
2024-10-30 18:50:26 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325204
>soon there will be
I am sorry to dissapoint you.
Have you not rule 34ed her yet?
2024-10-30 19:52:13 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325227
we will forget about her in one month, just like any seasonal anime girl
2024-10-30 20:05:03 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325231
>the company making emo punk gay antichrist toys now makes a mascot for vatican
2024-10-30 21:01:55 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325236
2024-10-30 21:15:45 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325237
So your people sperged out 500 years just to finally accept the superiority of the One True Church and not your McDonalds souless protestant slop? You northerners are slow learners, aren't you?
Perhaps Gensokyo is Heaven and every touhou is a saint. I want to talk to Reimu and Marisa about the teachings of God.
2024-10-31 01:12:00 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325249
Don't know about Americas but that's how protestant churches usually look around here
2024-10-31 04:02:31 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325260
Look nice. But no statues = sovless. Now that the Bishop of Rome has officially endorsed anime, I will train to become a mangaka and spread the words of the Touhous to all corners of the world. You will see in the future paintings of Reimu and Marisa in catholic churchs while protestant cucks will say:
>hurr hurr muh statues and paintings are LE EVIL
>Oh yes lets import more niggers and mohammeds, look at us, we are soooo not-racist and tolerant
Anyway dutchie bro, I appreciate your architecture. If you convert to Catholicism, I will promise you that a crow angel will fall from Heaven and marry you. Keep praying and God will reward you.
2024-10-31 14:41:52 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325313
2024-10-31 16:49:39 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325317
they have clearly repented
2024-11-03 17:01:34 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325664
2024-11-03 17:10:22 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325669
Poor priests, too many have been jailed for fucking 3D kids, so they made the wise choice to go 2D.
2024-11-03 19:50:25 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325692
I’m not fucking 3D kids, I’m fucking 2D one’s
2024-11-04 21:58:49 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325831
2024-11-05 23:06:15 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325903
I showed my friend this and they said it’s just Coraline.
2024-11-06 20:00:59 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325972
I wanna breed with her
2024-11-06 20:56:55 ⋅ 2mn
No. 325987
as a part catholic, me and Saint San Diego Didacus of Alcalá give you permission
>one minor problem with that.