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Tunisia Bernd 2021-12-25 12:19:51 ⋅ 2y No. 130635
How to claim this land?
Switzerland Bernd 2022-01-23 18:12:19 ⋅ 2y No. 133141
just fart
Germany Bernd 2022-01-23 22:34:10 ⋅ 2y No. 133148
rare ball
Argentina Bernd 2022-02-03 22:55:52 ⋅ 2y No. 134771
Is claimed by Argentina
Germany Bernd 2022-02-03 22:57:34 ⋅ 2y No. 134772
>>134771 you're the first Argentian I ever see here :0
Argentina Bernd 2022-02-03 23:04:05 ⋅ 2y No. 134773
>>134772 This is my first time in this curious forum. Maybe I will take the idea of the map to make a Argentine version.
Argentina Bernd 2022-02-03 23:05:08 ⋅ 2y No. 134774
>>134772 I come to this site finding the origin of Wojak, and in the Wikipedia in Spanish referr to this site
Argentina Bernd 2022-02-03 23:07:35 ⋅ 2y No. 134775
>>134772 And (I don't know why!) 4chan don't let me write new post, in any IP of my city
Germany Bernd 2022-02-03 23:54:56 ⋅ 2y No. 134779
>>134775 nice fuck 4chan, stay here and tell me stories about Argentina please I'm curious :3
Sweden Bernd 2022-02-04 00:55:53 ⋅ 2y No. 134783
>>134774 huh this show up when search krautchan nice
Argentina Bernd 2022-02-04 01:09:51 ⋅ 2y No. 134784
>>134779 I have a lot about this country, particularly from the GBA (where I live, the place with the most diverse and inequality in all the country). In the corner where I live, in one of the most neuralgic places, robbery, assaults, fire gun shoots and any kind of stuff happens. This is not a bad country, the 99.9% are very quiet and secure, but in the main cities and their conurbation (AKA GBA, La Plata, MDQ, Rosario, Córdoba and maybe Mendoza and Tucumán) the latinametican gene appears