>I just like the aesthetics
>just a collection of historical paraphernalia
>no, it's not WWII, it's WWI! So tired of people mixing them up, ugh!
>SS were fanatics, Wehrmacht was clean. And very efficient
>I'm pure German-American, 100% Teutonic race
>we fought on the wrong side...
>I own 100$ Mosin rifle - this machine killed hundreds of thousands of communist scum in Winter War!
>can't decide between Prussia in Vicky 2 and Nazi Germany in HOI4
>Ride_of_the_Valkyries.mp3 fuck yeah! Eat lead gooks!
>my favourite anime got cancelled because of commies
>yeah I'm a big "Gate..." and "Evil Tanya" fan, what gave it away?
Why are American "military history enthusiasts" are like this, bernds? (The young ones. The old ones just do their American Civil war reenactment. For Confederation.)

Idk. But dis Patton actually say that USonians fought for the wrong side?

He actually did, the madlad!

I was like that when i was 19 back in the far away year of 2009.
Eventually being an edgelord became less edgy.

What's wrong with these greentext quotes?

100 years of fascist culture and 250 years of slaver culture will do that to anyone.

As a Muscovite, i just cannot be neutral and unbiased on this one.