Indian caste system still exists? I found a twitter, where they report on daily cases like picrel
its insane

And in replies you'd have obligatory hindu guy telling "actually, muslims also opress people, what about it, huh? avert the gaze from this hindu pissing on bloddied boy, and think about ummah!"

Dalits are literal subhumans. 2000+ years of oppression have turned them into a genetic dead end, they are literally incapable of dignified life. I don't think you understand to what degree they are fucked. It would be best for everyone if they were simply rounded up and killed.
Unfortunately a lot of higher caste Indians enjoy too much to have a mindless drone that sweeps the street after they shit on it and to vent their anger on whenever something goes wrong with their lives to allow it, alas.

How does pissing into their mouths help?

how nuanced and anti-human.
heh, imagine...if this was in China and there was some internal division in China where one group of Chinese would treat another group very poorly. You'd never get into nuances, buddy, you'd never get into details what is the fault of the oppressed group supposedly is, you'd just brush stroke ALL Chinesese people as bad.
but you give Indians such wide margins of nuanced scrutiny and even justify inhuman treatment of youth. That boy if he were given good education, could write code no worse than any other pajeet, certianly no worse than owner of this site, but he is treated like shit for something that was beyond his control, his birth-caste.

It does not. It would be better for everyone if they didn't exist.
Nah, it's the exact same in China. This is how hundreds of millions of central plain folk are borderline retarded, and how things like that woman who was kidnapped and chained for the village to abuse happen. They are bred to be incapable of humanity through 2000+ years of being serfs in an empire.
Russia is similar, though the dehumanization period has been much shorter. But it was already apparent when after abolition of serfdom only few were capable of independent life. And they were reviled as kulaks, those who were!

I've met Chinese with more humanity than you, they would find child abuse like in this case abhorent and you find it tolerable and even propose outright genocide.
you said
>It would be best for everyone if they were simply rounded up and killed.
That would be millions innocent people, children, women, elderly. So in my eyes, you are more of a subhuman than any Chinese person. Only i wouldn't advocate genocide of the whole slovenian nation based on one degenerate example like, just to not stoop down to your subhuman level.

Yes, and it has to be done.
Indiscriminate compassion is sick.

Indiscriminate compassion IS humanity. Indiscriminate genocide is dehumanized barbarism.
As i said - Chinese are much more human than you, even though you would claim otherwise. But i hope Chinese would allow them to be a little less mercifull when dealing with goons like you if your misbegotten kind dares to bring your subhuman indiscriminate destruction to Chinese world.

>Indiscriminate genocide
It's not indiscriminate when I specifically picked the subhumans which need to be discriminated.
Also, barbarism = good. It is civilization which is degenerate. This is why barbarians keep winning, every time again.

This thread is going to be my dumping ground for Indophilia material

Notice how this only ever happens in norf?

OK I have another headline from the india

more people live there, also less educated, lotsa illiterates

South was alright at some point
wish we could turn back time, to the good old daaaays...

If you are a young girl in India, to maintain virginity untill 18 and not be raped is probably like playing on "the hard mode difficulty" setting in a video game

Shit like this is why India is going to be worse than China, if they ever attain huge power on international stage. Because if Indians were to become powerfull, their arrogance, demanding of reverance from everyone and belief in their impunity would breed so much trouble and violence.
For now the world is safe only because Pakistan is keeping them in stalemate state

If a country gets surplus money
China: lets build roads and bridges to decrease time of travel and stimulate economy!
i know this guy was defending lower caste and promoted buddhism, but really, what the fuck, this will only spur dumb hindus to build even bigger statues to warlords


it was moved to another location fyi

Still, intresting that China listened to local population. And after this example they stopped building such ridiculous trash. China can place limits on ridiculous spending, same as when they restricted the building of super-tall skyscrapers. I don't think Indians will do this, because they have democracty and political parties could see ridiculous spending as the way of populism expression.

>listened to local population
nah, that part is made up too. the order came from the central government (ministry of housing) bc it violated the zoning plan.
it's also funny that you consider central government banning construction of skyscrapers taller than what their special protégés get to build as a serious limit.

Kinda like how many european countries still have monarchies. It seems like those institutions should've been outgrown hundreds of years ago.

>should've been outgrown
Lmao, idiot.
Monarchy is part of human nature, it is why even if you artificially outlaw it "because we're enlightened by our own intelligence" non-state entities will still function monarchistically; this includes both organised crime and big capital.
Besides that European monarchies are now sadly only ceremonial.

its not part of any nature, its just historical coincedence

Yes it is just coincidence that feudalism developed completely unrelatedly at least 6 times (that I know of)

> is part of human nature
But human nature is something to outgrow and replace with better options. For example, before getting to heredetical monarchy most civilisations practiced elective monarchy (and those that didn't outgrow it were eradicated, not sure how big of a coincidence that is)

LOL, good joke, almost took that seriously.

>trust me bro it's actually not really a monarchy because I get to pick which one of the five or six potential kings I get to back and they agree not to openly civil war each other
same applies to any pretenses of "republicanism" – it's all just a couple mafias existing on larger or smaller scale which get to change the mantle of the state depending on who holds the rest by the balls by the power of being able to threaten a popular revolt
pure hereditarian or several locally established families sharing the state, it is just a question of whether one king had the ability to eliminate the others or not

>My imaginary friends says those inbreds are superior to us all.
Take your pills, schizo.
Monarchies failed to create better defense superstructures than constitutional democracies, that is all. It all comes down to war and conquest.
That is why israel won over the ottoman empire, that is why México prevailed over france and spain, that is why USA and every colony before and after it eventually gets independence and that is why every monarchy that doesn't becomes vestigial appendages are conquered.
In a western perspective, I admit India is a weird exception.

>hurr durr this 18th century meme says everyone who has ever been successful was actually inbred
lol, lmao even
especially funny considering first cousin marriage is legal in mexico, because apparently it's a bit too popular among your peasantry
meanwhile the catholic church used to ban marriages of second cousins and closer
spanish habsburgs were a weird exception, yes (this is why they went extinct unlike other royal families)

>Inbreding to keep power is a thing of the 18th century.
Wait, you think it wasn't common back then? LOL! bet you think it doesn't happen among anglos anymore.

Pajeet managers feeding tech support scammers seeds like they're parrots.

> I get to pick which one of the five or six
Isn't it obvious that having even a couple of non-aligned rulers to choose from is already much better for the humanity? That brings in competition, this way the ruler is interested in making sure everyone is doing well and not only themselves and their powerful friends. That's also why decentralised government works better in the long term, that's why European monarchies became mostly ceremonial.

Yeah, that too. Also the tendency of hereditary rule of breaking up into smaller warring serfdoms, the crippling budgeting failures of feudal troops and the very obvious fact that faith based leadership election is dumb as shit. Even popularity would be a more rational criterion.

I'm not saying it isn't?
I should mention, I'm a feudalist, I detest absolutism.
I'm just telling you that you're delusional if you think possibility of existence of multiple rulers – or multiple levels of rulers – which have to compromise with each other somehow disproves that existence of the concept of rulerhood is immutable part of human nature.
>faith based leadership election
The what?
As if the delusion of democracy doesn't require much higher levels of faith in system not to fall apart...

Nature has no immutable parts. Life exists because it can adapt and so should we.

Wow crazy they found one Josef Fritzl in a sample of half a million Britons. Truly a pervasive problem of wectern society!

Let me help you then: then being a human is also not immutable.
Change your nature to that point, and you are no longer human.

Even a mock democracy like in the US is leading the whole europawn union by the nose, but hey, if you like getting your balls stomped I'm not gonna kinkshame.

We're becoming less human with every generation, our bodies are not what they were like before. The nature is changing whether you want that or not because that's the way of survival.

Not gonna kinkshame, but Im gonna point out right wingers can't read. Cuz they're dumb.

You clearly haven't read that USAzil thread

>My source is a chan thread
>And I don't even link to it.
Most intelligent and intellectually honest right winger ever.

That was /sarcasm but ok

LOL! Good joke! Now I get it X^D

Are you sure you can understand English & are you sure you read past the headline?
Because what they report is that they found ~100 cases of cousin marriage tier inbreeding in their sample of ~500k.
For Mexico that is over 1% (more than 50x more common), and in Pakistan it's the norm.

>1 joseph == 100 josephs
Thanks, dr feynman. Monarchy is still a stupid idea of religious nuts.

Monarchy is completely unrelated to religion or religiousness but ok.

>God given right to rule is unrelated to religion.
Smartest monarchist ever.

>God given right to rule
lol I don't think you have reading comprehension at all m8, I said monarchy is normal because this is how humans function and everything else is just monarchy with extra pretending it's not
and that goes both for republican delusions and religious delusions

>Might makes right, god appoints leader.
Boy, that is so much stupidity in so few words, its actually a marvel of syntax. I'm impressed.

>Might makes right
>god appoints leader
that's what you made up here

Tf you think "divine right" means, you turnip.

It's something you brought up and I never argued. So i don't know why you insist on it.

TLDR divine right == monarchy
Long versión: divine right its the legitimization of monarchy, in constitutional monarchy it is the legal foundation. It was called "fas" in the roman empire, doctor litterarum george robert acworth conquest.