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Parks and Recreation

United States Bernd 2023-10-03 02:28:31 ⋅ 1y
No. 290221
I always find myself rewatching this instead of The Office I felt that it was way better and it new when it needed to end Anyone else watch it?
Mexico Bernd 2023-10-03 03:19:20 ⋅ 1y No. 290222
Yeah, it's way better. It actually made me laugh.
United States Bernd 2023-10-03 06:36:04 ⋅ 1y No. 290233
>>290222 It has to be the fact that they were wackier with their antics and they included more side characters that weren't from the place they worked. Also they made the work characters funny as well
Mexico Bernd 2023-10-03 09:55:41 ⋅ 1y No. 290242
>>290233 Maybe it just had a way better casting.
United States Bernd 2023-10-03 14:32:55 ⋅ 1y No. 290259
>>290242 Well Amy Poehler is known for her comedic chops and good timing when she's playing a happy go lucky character. She's like a female Mcbrayer Nick Offerman also is able to give great deadpan performances In general, the cast are all able to be funny due to each actor playing off their strengths with one another without overshadowing each other
Azerbaijan Bernd 2023-10-03 15:22:06 ⋅ 1y No. 290262
I ve seen couple of seasons wouldnt say its better then office, its different.
Mexico Bernd 2023-10-03 16:22:53 ⋅ 1y No. 290269
>>290259 After sleeping on it I realized Park and rec has much more variety, even if the format is similar to the office, its not all awkward office life humor every time, all the time. There is satire, mean racist humor done right, geopolitical jokes, local political jokes, even a healthy dose of college humor, and yes SOME awkward humor, but thats not all there is.
United States Bernd 2023-10-04 00:17:20 ⋅ 1y No. 290303
>>290269 Yeah and when you introduce absurd characters like Tammy that's when the show is able to shine